
Pre-School-3-Years Program

Pre school program

The Pre-School years are often marked by large increases in creativity and self-expression. Preschoolers are also curious about everything they see and hear. This is the time our teachers encourage imagination and teach social skills to help them adapt to a new environment filled with other kids.

This is also an ideal time to engage them in learning centers for math, science, dramatic play, music, and creative art, providing opportunities to balance both shared and independent learning experiences.

The daily schedule for our preschoolers includes indoor and outdoor activities that promote our four domains of development. Included in our tuition at Creative Learning Academy in Sugar Land, we also provide breakfast, lunch, supper, and 2 snacks throughout the day.

A Day in the Life of a Preschooler

A typical day at our preschool is filled with fun and learning. Children participate in a variety of activities, including:

  • Circle Time: We gather for songs, stories, and interactive activities that promote language and social skills.
  • Free Play: Children engage in imaginative play, exploring centers like the dramatic play area, block corner, and art studio.
  • Outdoor Play: Children enjoy fresh air and exercise on our playground, developing gross motor skills and social interaction.
  • Learning Centers: Children explore various learning centers, including literacy centers, math manipulatives, and science experiments.
  • Creative Arts: Children express themselves through painting, drawing, music, and dramatic play.
pre school Program
pre school program

Early Learning Domains of Pre School Childerens


Each child learns differently. At Kidz Learning Kampus, we provide teachers with the tools and guidance to accommodate children's natural curiosity and fully support each child while building their problem-solving skills and confidence.


The early years are critical for literacy development. From sign language and story time in younger classrooms, to phonics and eventually reading and writing in our older ones, your child develops important literacy skills and a love of reading.


Our social studies domain helps children understand themselves and their relationships with family and friends. They learn how they are similar or different from their friends and how they, as individuals, can contribute to society.


Early experiences with math help children develop reasoning skills, inventiveness and persistence in problem solving. Our math program introduces numbers, measurement and patterns through hands-on learning.


Children are natural scientists. They use their senses and special technological tools to observe and investigate their world, recording and analyzing their findings through writing, drawing or taking photos.


Visual and creative arts stimulate imagination and creative thinking. In our proprietary Kidz Learning Kampus Early Art Masters® program, children discover early and contemporary artists and practice their techniques in their own masterpieces.


Active children become active adults. We show your child fun ways to practice proper techniques for movement, balance and motor skills with plenty of time to slide, climb and run on our age-appropriate playgrounds.


Research shows social-emotional intelligence is one of the best predictors of future success. Our Balanced Learning® approach weaves character development and life skills into daily experiences so children can learn behavioral and relationship skills.

A Supportive and Engaging Learning Environment

We create a warm and welcoming environment where children feel safe, secure, and valued. Our experienced and caring teachers provide individual attention and support, helping each child reach their full potential. We believe in building strong relationships with families and encourage open communication to ensure a successful learning experience for every child.